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  • Writer's pictureJames Dahlen

A Nervous Mess Wrapped in a Bow

Yesterday morning, my parents and I joined the crowds of new faces on the Brown University campus. The move-in went smoothly. My roommate is nice. We have different personalities and I sense we will get along but I don't think we will be lifelong best friends. That is something I am searching for in every person I meet. Will you be my best friend? Yesterday, I was eager to meet everybody and lock down a group of friends, but I had to remind myself that it was just the first day and I should soak everything in.

There is a talent show on Friday. I would love to sing a song, but I need somebody to play the guitar...and the drums...and bass. I'm sure I may be able to pull something together, but my progress now has me enjoying the show from the stands.

The lacrosse players I have seen are huge. They have inches (and pounds) on me. I am going to try out for the team, I will be happier knowing I tried and worked my ass off. If I make the team, I play Brown lacrosse. If not, I hope my head can hit the pillow knowing I didn't hold back on any ground balls or any time to outwork the guy next to me.

Everybody is terrified. The only variable is the fashion in which people cover their nervousness. A mentor of mine gave me a great piece of advice before I left...He told me, "Be James." So far, that's doing pretty well. Everybody is willing and excited to meet new people. It goes like this: Introduce yourself, repeat their name, ask where they are from, (maybe forget their name), ask what dorm they are in, try to find common ground and have a conversation. It's fun. It can also be exhausting. Socializing for hours takes a toll on the mind, but I feel like I need to keep pushing so that I can be a popular face on campus.

Today we went to mass. I don't know many of the prayers, but I enjoyed it. God is a constant in all of this change. Religion shines light for the mind in times of distress.

I want to join the Brown Investment Group and I want to start the Spikeball club, because as far as I know, there isn't one.

Lots to do, lots to learn, and lots to discover! Life is so rich.



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