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  • Writer's pictureJames Dahlen

Help me help myself

What drives you? Why do you get out of bed each morning? What are the things, moments, events, and actions that make you happy?

Is life just a journey exploring the answers to these questions? Certainly, these answers change over the course of one's life...right? Please, share with me your answers to these questions. I want a piece of your thoughts.


"James, what do you want to do?"

I want to concentrate in Economics and Biology.

"Why those two?"

I want to go into healthcare equity or healthcare corporate finance.

"Oh, so you want to make money." *rolls eyes*

No, I am not just some kid who says they want to work in private equity or investment banking or some other spot on Wall Street because I watched the Big Short and a Wolf on Wall Street and I want to be rolling in money. I have arrived at this conclusion after careful consideration.

I want to be the liaison between those who have money and those who need money to make the world a better place.

Those who have money: large banks with billion dollar investment funds, constantly searching for the "next big thing" to make their client's money grow.

Those who need money: Small biotechnology companies hoping to create the "next big thing" in medicine or healthcare so that they can help the greater public by curing or alleviating the suffering of medical conditions.

Biotechnology is such a tough, capital-intensive business because a company can spend years researching a drug before spending another few years waiting on the FDA to complete its tests and offer approval of the drug. Sometimes, after years of waiting and hoping, a drug will be shut down by the FDA in its final stage of testing.

I love medicine and science. I also love money. I love examining the way money flows on macro and micro scales. I love the stock market and its roots in real data, like company valuations, and superficial feelings, like how I feel good with a company's CEO so I inherently think the future price will go up. It's fascinating! I love it!


Give me a call, shoot me an email, let's sit down for coffee and tell me your answers. Help me help myself answer these questions.

I officially completed two of my first college courses! I have some more final exams in the next couple weeks, but I am utilizing some of the extra time to sort through my thoughts and write about the things that interest me most. Looking forward to sharing more soon.

Life is a beautiful gift.


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