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  • Writer's pictureJames Dahlen

Sweet Caroline, Ba Ba Baaaa

Last night I karaoke'd Sweet Caroline in front of several hundred people. It was awesome. I got invited to sign up for the talent show because of it...karaoke Sweet Caroline at the talent show? It was a bold call singing New England's song in a field full of New England kids, but let me tell you, it landed. It really was awesome, I even won a Brown pennant for my dorm for doing it.

After some obligatory "About Brown" presentations and discussions on our first readings, a book called The Idiot by Elif Batuman, I got lunch at the Hillel house's Open House and BBQ.

"Are you Jewish?"

No, I'm hungry.

I made a good friend named Luca. We already know a ton of people and we meet and converse with everybody. He's from Needham Mass. We filled up at the Hillel House, met some jews, then met a whole bunch of people at the Catholic Ice Cream social. Father Albert was happy and surprised to see me again. I met a girl named Carolanne whose godfather/uncle is a land man for Antero Resources. It's a wonderfully small world.

Worked out in the crappy dorm gym because the fitness center is closed for labor day, but it feels great. I feel great. Attended a meeting about the BEO (Business, Entrepreneurship, and Organizations) unit to learn about what classes I might want to take. BEO is essentially economics, sociology, and engineering all rolled up in one to provide a well-rounded business education. I want to do this, but I still want to do Biology (Chemistry too?). I'll talk it over with my advisor tomorrow, although I am not sure how much he will help with these decisions, he's going to be my Geology professor.

Somebody asked me if I was in "Rocks for Jocks." No, I am in Volcanos: A Window into Deep Earth that explores the chemistry and geology of a volcano and transitions into an examination of the social and economic implications of volcanos (there is a two-day field trip too :-D) ...No cupcake classes for the big dog JD.

I am going to get dinner with some fellas before our seminar on consent.

Brown is beautiful.


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